by: Zenobia Peoples
You’ve reached the voicemail of Zenobia Peoples. I’m away from the office and will be unavailable to the phone beginning Friday, February 29, through Tuesday March 18. During this time I will not be checking messages. Therefore, if your call is urgent, please dial 0 to speak with the operator and you will be directed to someone else.
But wait a minute. Since you called me, I just want to tell you where I’ll be for the next three weeks. Tomorrow morning I’m boarding a plane to Hawaii. My bags are packed and I am ready! In fact, my entire family is ready. Everyone is going except our beagle, Max.
We’ll stay three weeks on three different islands, relaxing, touring, swimming and just plain chilling. We’ve rented fully staffed villas on each island and also arranged for drivers so that we can tour the islands at our convenience.
We have a chef on staff at each house also, but I still made a few dinner reservations, so that we can check out some restaurants that have been recommended to us. I could go on, but I’ll just tell you more upon our return.
Yes, this is a fairly costly vacation, given the accommodations that we’ll use. But life is short. So why wait? And because of additional money that I’ve earned with my online travel agency, http://www.traveruscashmachine.com, we have the extra funds to travel first class. Plus it doesn’t hurt that I can write the entire vacation off our taxes when we come back home because of my travel agency business! See you when I get back to work.
About The Author
Zenobia Peoples is a wife, mother and works as a trial lawyer. she also owns an online travel agency. For more informaton, go to http://www.traveruscashmachine.com
You’ve reached the voicemail of Zenobia Peoples. I’m away from the office and will be unavailable to the phone beginning Friday, February 29, through Tuesday March 18. During this time I will not be checking messages. Therefore, if your call is urgent, please dial 0 to speak with the operator and you will be directed to someone else.
But wait a minute. Since you called me, I just want to tell you where I’ll be for the next three weeks. Tomorrow morning I’m boarding a plane to Hawaii. My bags are packed and I am ready! In fact, my entire family is ready. Everyone is going except our beagle, Max.
We’ll stay three weeks on three different islands, relaxing, touring, swimming and just plain chilling. We’ve rented fully staffed villas on each island and also arranged for drivers so that we can tour the islands at our convenience.
We have a chef on staff at each house also, but I still made a few dinner reservations, so that we can check out some restaurants that have been recommended to us. I could go on, but I’ll just tell you more upon our return.
Yes, this is a fairly costly vacation, given the accommodations that we’ll use. But life is short. So why wait? And because of additional money that I’ve earned with my online travel agency, http://www.traveruscashmachine.com, we have the extra funds to travel first class. Plus it doesn’t hurt that I can write the entire vacation off our taxes when we come back home because of my travel agency business! See you when I get back to work.
About The Author
Zenobia Peoples is a wife, mother and works as a trial lawyer. she also owns an online travel agency. For more informaton, go to http://www.traveruscashmachine.com
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